Marijuana Use's Highs and Lows

Is Legalizing Marijuana a Risky Bet?

If marijuana is made legally available to individuals with medical illnesses, there may be a variety of advantages if certain requirements are met: If pharmaceutical drug options for treating patients' symptoms carry more risks than marijuana; if marijuana provides more therapeutic benefits than pharmaceutical drugs; and if marijuana sales profits are channeled into constructive enterprises that benefit society as a whole.

However, legalizing marijuana for recreational use is a very different matter that has many people concerned. The proponents of marijuana legalization argue that legalization will shift the production and sale of marijuana away from drug users, drug cartels, and other shadowy elements and into the hands of regulated manufacturers and dealers. This, it appears, will allow sales taxes to be funnelled towards public health and education systems, which would be considerably superior to the current situation in which only drug dealers benefit financially.

However, there are significant drawbacks to legalizing marijuana for recreational use. One of the most serious concerns is that legalization sends a message to impressionable adolescents that marijuana is perfectly acceptable. The other issue is that children will be able to obtain marijuana much more easily, despite the fact that it is purportedly only available to adults over the age of 21. Teens, like alcohol, can always find older siblings or friends to buy cannabis for them, Medical Marijuana for sale but it's already quite easy for young people to purchase marijuana, whether it's legally obtained or not.

So, What's the Deal With Marijuana?

Aside from data demonstrating that marijuana is a gateway drug for more dangerous narcotics, marijuana may be extremely harmful to both physical and mental health. Physically, it causes exhaustion and raises the risk of heart disease and cancer, including lung cancer (if smoked), lymphatic cancer, oral tumors, and other types of cancer. According to studies, smoking marijuana is significantly more carcinogenic than nicotine, and most individuals are fully aware of the cancer risk associated with smoking cigarettes. Marijuana is a well-known neurological trigger for mental diseases such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and the damage it may inflict to a developing brain is devastating.

Significant changes in brain structure and function occur during adolescent years in normal brain development, and good brain function and growth must be supported by a balanced diet, appropriate sleep, and other favourable lifestyle variables. Consider the consequences if the developing brain is not provided with the optimal conditions for proper growth and is instead exposed to neurologically-toxic substances such as marijuana (or other drugs).

According to research conducted at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the United States, teenagers who use cannabis on a regular basis have abnormal alterations in their brain structure, and the younger the person is when they start using marijuana, the larger the brain abnormality. Some of the brain harm that has been observed includes changes in working memory - even two years after the drug has been discontinued.

Furthermore, other study has shown that addiction develops quickly, especially in teenagers, and frequently leads in the young person losing motivation to engage in learning, no longer seeing and working towards their dream career, and no longer caring about their health. The long-term hazards of marijuana use are well-known, including cancer, mental health disorders, and other risk factors, which frequently result in habitual users becoming walking zombies who are only concerned with their drug use. Adolescents who are addicted to cannabis are also more likely to suffer feelings of rage or discontent when they don't use the substance for a time, putting them at danger of becoming anti-social and losing their friends.

Addiction occurs so quickly nowadays compared to previous generations because the substance is so much stronger. So, nowadays, teens who start smoking marijuana at parties may soon start consuming it every week, and before they realise it, they are looking for it on a regular basis. Many addicted kids use marijuana many times a day just to feel "normal." This type of usage has a significant impact on their developing brain, heart and lungs, ability to learn, and finances - they either need to steal to pay for their addiction or find themselves working solely to pay for their habit.

Unfortunately, buy marijuana online shipped nationwide even individuals who want to stop using cannabis may be unable to heal the irreparable brain damage that may have happened if they were regular users throughout the critical brain development time. Dr. Paula Riggs, a psychiatrist, cited figures from a long-term study on adolescents who smoked marijuana on a regular basis in New Zealand. The study lasted 38 years and discovered that habitual users had a 6-8 point drop in IQ, which could influence them for the rest of their lives. Marijuana usage causes brain damage, including a decrease in executive functioning, which is a critical set of mental processes required for organizing, planning, remembering, and other fundamental brain functions. Executive functioning assists you in 'joining the dots' between what you have learned in the past and how it applies to your current circumstances and what you need to do.

As a result, regular marijuana use affects brain circuits in a negative way, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to grasp the impact on brain growth and the potential to achieve in life. Because marijuana influences how the brain grows, a developing brain that is focused on learning vs a brain exposed to mind-altering drugs may have long-term implications, even if the person stops smoking marijuana later in life. This is most likely why research shows that regular marijuana use during adolescence increases the likelihood of adult unemployment or, at best, results in a cannabis user or ex-cannabis user only being able to find work in (unsatisfying) sub-standard jobs that are far removed from the dream job they once saw themselves doing.