Is marijuana a risky drug?

In other societies, such as India and Jamaica, smoking marijuana is considered cultural, and this form of smoking is frequently referred to as "herbal medicine." However, due to the growing amount of addiction to marijuana around the world, particularly in Western countries, legal action has been made to ban it and categorise it as an illicit narcotic. As the most frequently distributed illegal narcotic, disagreements over its impact on human health persist in several countries. Marijuana has an effect on the neurological system, brain functionality, and adequate sense of reality since it causes narcotic bliss. However, in comparison to other substances such as cocaine and opium, the effects of marijuana on health are not as severe and can be compared to the consequences of smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol in many ways. On the other hand, marijuana influences motivation, resulting in poor performance at work and in social life due to its effects on respiration, heart, and melancholy mood changes.

In general, it isolates a person from others and makes him a possible user of stronger substances. Marijuana is a narcotic made from the dried buds or leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana includes around 400 compounds that have an influence on the human body and biological systems. Cannabinoids account for 60 of these 400 compounds. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most psychoactive cannabinoid in this category. Choline, eugenol, guaicacol, and piperidine are some more psychoactive compounds.Even one milligramme of THC can create major psychic alterations that damage psychological and mental health. THC has a termination half-life that ranges from 20 hours to 10 days or more.

THC is absorbed by the alveoli of the lungs and reaches the brain in seconds as dissolved materials in blood. Cannabinoid receptors in the hippocampus, cerebellum, and basal ganglia influence neuronal activity in the brain, creating issues with short-term memory, coordination, and motivation. The most common side effects of marijuana use are personality changes, buy weed online cheap which are frequently noted in persons who use it on a daily basis. It mostly affects their social and professional participation, particularly in activities that need cerebral work, such as professional positions, studying, and so on. Marijuana use also has an impact on interpersonal relationships because such persons are typically uncontrollable and exhibit strange behaviour for no apparent reason. Several studies have found a direct link between marijuana use and decreased motivation. A study conducted in the state of Maryland among hundreds of marijuana addicts, including high school students, university students, prisoners, and those who participated in drug programmes, revealed that the majority of these people suffered from a cannabis syndrome, which is often referred to as a lack of motivation. Furthermore, the majority of them indicated that they did not perceive these changes in their daily lives, but that once they quit consuming marijuana, their sense of motivation increased.

Essay writing service Scientists have observed the following changes in the organism as a result of marijuana use, which explain the major characteristics of behavioural aberrations and narcotic euphoria: • Marijuana alters the processes of biological reactions in brains by changing neurotransmitters, which are responsible for nervous system reactions; • Marijuana influences mood by making focus more difficult, affecting attention and detailed memory. People who smoke marijuana have an extremely poor recall when compared to those who do not. • It also has an effect on the work of the heart and blood pleasure, which is frequent in those who are constantly stressed. • Marijuana has a considerably higher percentage of carcinogens than tobacco. It can lead to a variety of oncological disorders, including lung, neck, and skin cancer. Furthermore, these carcinogens devastate the immune system. • Unlike alcohol, which only stays in the blood for 24-48 hours, marijuana can linger in the body for up to 30 days, increasing the risk of car accidents and workplace accidents if the job needs a high level of concentration and attention. As the nervous system is heavily oppressed by the effects of marijuana smoking, all of these elements contribute to a drop in motivation. Cannabis syndrome, also known as amotivational syndrome, is characterised by apathy, decreased motivation, and plain estrangement from one's surroundings. According to the World Health Organisation, amotivation syndrome is described in the literature as follows: "The evidence for a "amotivational condition" in adults is primarily comprised of case studies and observational reports (e.g., Kolansky and Moore, 1971; Millman and Sbriglio, 1986).

The few controlled field and laboratory research that have been conducted have not revealed strong evidence for such a syndrome (Dornbush, 1974; Negrete, 1983; Hollister, 1986). It seems unlikely that cannabis consumption results in a well-defined amotivational condition. Rather than establishing a novel psychiatric disease, it may be more prudent to regard indications of reduced motivation as symptoms of chronic cannabis intoxication."(Source: Wikipedia) purchase an essay At the same time, different studies conducted all over the world produce contradictory results, such as "Experiments in the United States show no effects of fairly heavy marihuana use on learning, perception, or motivation over periods as long as a year" (Williams, I. Proven: Cannabis Is Safe Medicine). Other studies have found no link between marijuana use and decreased motivation: "In three major studies conducted in Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Greece, researchers compared heavy long-term cannabis users with nonusers and found no evidence of intellectual or neurological damage, no changes in personality, and no loss of the will to work or participate in society." Term papers on (Williams, I. Proven: Cannabis Is Safe Medicine) However, many experts say that such effects are prevalent mainly for those whose employment involves intense mental effort; otherwise, reliable mail order marijuana the changes are difficult to detect. Slave plantation owners encouraged slaves to smoke marijuana because it allowed them to work more efficiently and required less time for recovery and rest. (This oppressive impact is similar to the effects of tobacco smoking and coffee). Marijuana has been widely used for medical purposes in addition to its use in narcotics. It has been used in medicine since ancient times. Some doctors now advocate for the legalisation of marijuana to treat nausea, high blood pressure, spasms, and various types of pain.

Marijuana has been used successfully in the treatment of cancer and aids (pain alleviation and hunger stimulation), sclerosis (spasm reduction), glaucoma, and epilepsy. Despite the fact that some studies claim that marijuana has no effect on motivation, the vast majority of physicians are certain that marijuana has harmful consequences on health, just as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol do. Such narcotics have an aggressive effect on brain function, suppressing normal nervous system functionality and putting additional strain on heart function. Such influence will, of course, be reflected in the person's mental activity and owing to the prolonged narcotic effect (since marijuana can stay in the body for up to 30 days). So only one conclusion can be drawn: marijuana users require medical attention, and legalising marijuana will have a harmful impact on a population that is already sensitive to chronic stress.